<of the old boys network @ ZKM, Karlsruhe>
Stimulated by the spirit of a new conception of ZKM, as it was formulated last spring by the new leadership of the institution, and inspired by the example of the 1. Cyberfeminist alliance, the Old Boys Network, a cyberfeminist initiative -- obn@zkm was formed at ZKM during the summer of 1999. Our goal is to initiate internal and external cyberfeminist networking at ZKM and to work actively on its implementation. Additionally obn@ZKM will spearhead a determined effort to cyberfeminize ZKM on all organizational levels.
We demand:
1. A new cyberfeminist identity for ZKM which expresses itself through three intersecting institu-tional areas: Cyberfeminist production and research, cyberfeminist exhibitions and activities, cyberfeminist connections and documentation.
1a. We demand the funding of at least 3 cyberfeminist professorships at the Hochschule! And in addition: During hiring searches (qualifications being equal) cyberfeminists will be hired!
1b. Clear out the exhibition rooms! Everything must go! Liquidate it on the international market or store it in the vaults!
1c. More subculture at ZKM!
1d. From ZKM to ZCF (Center for Cyberfeminism)!
2. The traditional organizational structure of ZKM must be exchanged for a dynamic and flexible organizational structure: we demand a rotation system according with cyberfeminist criteria!
2a. We demand our personal avatar for effective relief from work overload!
2b. Bottom-up restructuring!
2c. A cyberfeminist newsletter at ZKM; entertainment budget, real life meetings, apartment exchanges, international job information, etc.
2d. Communal office outings into cyberspace!
2e. Free access to Peter-Cam!
2f. Regular surWeibel-training for all coworkers.
2g. Workplace psychological counseling by a virtual therapist.
2h. Virtual menstruation hut on the ZKM server.
3. A cyberfeminist-in-residence program: Cyberfeminist critics for a cyberfeminist discourse program! Cyberfeminist curators for cyberfeminist exhibition series! Cyberfeminist scientists for the support of cyberfeminist foundations research! All these activities will strengthen the external networks and the connection to the international cyberfeminist community.
3a. Reserved parking places for Cyberfeminists!
3b. Free, unlimited cybersex!
3c. Telemedical care for obsolete bodies via High Speed Networks.
3d. Direct co-operation with cyberfeminist sponsors!
4. A comprehensive extension of local cyberfeminist activities. Like many other media foundations ZKM must make a determined effort to join the cyberfeminist universe in order to stay fit for the network: We demand a cyberfeminist review of the net_condition of ZKM!
4a. ZKM stock goes public! Global community of cyberfeminist shareholders in cooperation with the cultural ministries of the Laender.